Casey is an experienced unit stills photographer from South Africa. He has built his professional reputation upon his unique creative ability, conscientious attitude and reliable work ethic. A real team player. His driving spirit and love for motion picture photography sets the tone for his impressive body of work, which spans short and long-form dramas, historical documentaries and feature films.
Casey’s ability to capture enduring and demanding action scenes coupled with his ability to portray mood, character detail and emotion is best exemplified by his recent collection of publicity stills for the critically acclaimed Netflix TV series, ‘One Piece'.
See his IMDB profile here: CaseyCrafford_IMDB
Download his full resumé here: CaseyCrafford_Resumé.pdf
See some of the projects Casey has worked on here: Motion Picture Stills Playlist
About Casey Crafford, Motion Picture Stills Photographer, Cape Town, South Africa